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Neil Adams | - Free online hangout and friends
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Neil Adams
Neil Adams

Neil Adams, 43/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:1:23 AM
Join date:16 years, 8 months, 20 days ago
Location: dont care United Kingdom

"Some night when you’re outside, look up at all the stars in the sky, each one represents is a reason I’m in love with you"
About me:
About you:
someday.... Jenny, may never happen tho... T_T
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Straight
Herds (lead): I love you Jennifer SPAMMING, ~~ JUST FOR JENNIFER ~~, My Life Story herd
Herds: I <3 Kitty's, My thumbs, ~*~FaFa's HerD~*~, ❤ FaFa's Daliy Spams ❤
Neil's tales
Neil Adams

My Pet


❤❤ My Love ❤❤
My only pet and my love. She means a real lot to me and if u touch her u better be ready to pay the price cause i will come for u with sword in hand >_<

Neil Adams
Neil Adams Emo - 16 years, 7 months, 7 days ago
Neil Adams
UPDATED TODAY !!!! 10/01/2009

I'll be using tales to display updates only, i now have my stories in my heard.. obvious which one ...

My one only pet and love

Here are my top 3 thumbers

Neil Adams
Neil Adams Emo - 16 years, 7 months, 20 days ago
Neil Adams
How do you know when your in love?

Reasons i believe in that tells me i've found the one!

How you know your in love?
Love isn't someone who you have found and can live with. Love is someone you have found and can't live without.
Reason? Well if your in love you always want to be with that person. if ure in love u wont want that person to leave you or be away from them. so technically if ure in love but can get over it cause u simply found them on the basis that its someone you could live with... then thats not true love...finding someone u can't live without would be the highest level of love to me.

To be loved:
To be loved would be the best thing you can receive from a person you love. actions and words that detail how much they feel for u and put the thought in ure mind that they can't really live without u. This is what to be loved is. Makes u feel needed and wanted on a whole different level.

Neil Adams Emo - 16 years, 7 months, 27 days ago
Neil Adams

The way of the Samurai

I find this to be the most fitting culture from the past and
present that fits to my beliefs then the Samurai Era and the Way of the Samurai.

We all want to live. And in large part we
make our logic according to what we like. But not having attained our aim and
continuing to live is cowardice. This is a thin dangerous line. To die without
gaming one's aim is a dog's death and fanaticism. But there is no shame in this.
This is the substance of the Way of the Samurai. If by setting one's heart right
every morning and evening, one is able to live as though his body were already
dead, he pains freedom in the Way. His whole life will be without blame, and he
will succeed in his calling.

People think that
they can clear up profound matters if they consider them deeply, but they
exercise perverse thoughts and come to no good because they do their reflecting
with only self-interest at the centre.

The paths the people and Samurai lived during the Era in which
I speak of had simple, pure and clean thoughts. Simply to live, love and protect
the things, people and their beliefs. If left alone they could live the most
fulfilled life ever to be dreamed of. To live, to love and be loved, to become
honourable, to become successful with in creating a healthy family and educate
their children of their beliefs and let them choose how to live.

This is how I feel. To follow my beliefs, protect what's
precious to me, to build a family with love and at a place we can call "Home".
Providing all round peace and tranquillity no matter what is thrown at us. For
this I would offer my life to keep this way and to stop the influence of self
centred ways for personal gain.

The Era of the Samurai was polluted by Western cultures based
on pure personal gain which lead to the end of this era. Without this pollution
their loyalty love and respect would have flourished. I do wonder how the world
would have developed if the way of this era flowed throughout the world and it's

I'll always live with this in mind and will always protect my
beliefs and what's precious to me.

Neil Adams Neil Adams Neil Adams Neil Adams
Neil Adams Emo - 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
Neil Adams
My Current Ballance:
Total points: 310005 pts

Neil Adams Emo - 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago

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kisssy <3
  ♥Sweet Morning Kisses ♥ You have been given ♥Sweet Morning Kisses ♥.
Crafted by Mike
Bye Sexy - 15 years, 11 months, 15 days ago

lalalalalala You have been given lalalalalala.
Crafted by Neil Adams
Bye Sexy - 16 years, 29 days ago
wakey wakey ^^
Breakfast In Bed You have been given Breakfast In Bed.
Crafted by Tristan M Jackson
Bye Sexy - 16 years, 29 days ago
♥Have a lovely day♥ You have been given ♥Have a lovely day♥.
Crafted by Liza
Bye Sexy - 16 years, 29 days ago
Hmmmm ur profile again said "Unknow"
Bye Sexy - 16 years, 29 days ago

You have been given ~♥~ Goodnight...XOXO ~♥~.
Crafted by YuNa
Bye Sexy - 16 years, 1 month, 13 days ago
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Neil's shop
Pet Care Shop

This shop is to help me maintain my pets. I hope u like my items ^^ also deal with requests ^^

If you want to donate to help me maintain a pet and dont want any of the other stuffs then please use the Donate piccy. Also if you buy my MSN address i'll message it to you ^^

Isn't she so cute ? T_T

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Donate ~ Let me give some love
1 use

9999 pts
Donate ~ Let me give some love
Bought by 13 people
**kissie kissie**
1 use

200 pts
**kissie kissie**
Bought by 15 people
** clappy clappy **
1 use

200 pts
** clappy clappy **
Bought by 8 people
Don't be naughty
1 use

200 pts
Don't be naughty
Bought by 2 people
** pats you on the head **
1 use

150 pts
** pats you on the head **
Bought by 53 people
I Miss You
1 use

150 pts
I Miss You
Bought by 13 people
I'm Sorry T_T
1 use

110 pts
I'm Sorry T_T
Bought by 15 people
**wink** ^.~
1 use

150 pts
**wink** ^.~
Bought by 34 people
night night **hugx**
1 use

150 pts
night night **hugx**
Bought by 39 people
*bleh* :P
1 use

150 pts
*bleh* :P
Bought by 29 people
I day dream of you all day ~~
1 use

150 pts
I day dream of you all day ~~
Bought by 32 people
naughty naughty *wink*
1 use

150 pts
naughty naughty *wink*
Bought by 32 people
Thx for shopping *hugx* ~~
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150 pts
Thx for shopping *hugx* ~~
Bought by 23 people
*yum* *yum* ~~
1 use

150 pts
*yum* *yum* ~~
Bought by 18 people
Ohayo gozaimasu (Good Morning)
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150 pts
Ohayo gozaimasu (Good Morning)
Bought by 43 people
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