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Hankun's House of Thumbs | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: Hankun's House of Thumbs
Led by Hannibal Smith | 1 members

I'll tell you straight out, the only reason for this heard is thumbs. I need 'em, you need 'em, thanks to the people that are literally on here 24/7, everyone needs 'em. All I ask is this. Thumb everything. If it's posted here, no matter what is actually said, thumb it. I don't care if you spam, just thumb everyone else as well. If you need thumbs, post here, and if someone posts looking for thumbs, please thumb them. So let us all unite and take Human Pets back from the Rich Elite Pet Thieves!
Herd leaders

Hannibal Smith Hannibal Smith "Darks naughty bo" Lazy