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She's A Very Freaky Girl | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: She's A Very Freaky Girl
Led by Unknown | 2 members

The kind you don't take home to mutha ....*wink* And this one's for da 'ladies' ;) Rules are simple-each person posts a whole page (15 posts) and thumbs all the rest of the pages. (or all pages back to your last post) This is a great way to make quick points! Please just number each post-1-15, so the next person knows that it's their turn. You needn't say anything else, but your comments/jokes/stories are always welcome. Please try to allow a few pages, before you post another page. (this idea, lovingly borrowed from my friend Eden Joseph of Thumb Karma)
Herd leaders

Unknown Unknown "Sassafrass" Serene