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THE Four of Five ...& followers | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: THE Four of Five ...& followers
Led by Unknown | 5 members

The Four of Five is a secret nunning organization inspired by the Nuns Having Fun calendar. We are proud to announce that over the past few days we have expanded from being four kids sitting on a rock by a pizza place to having our own country, school, and charity (donations are welcome). Our school, The Four of Five School of Nuns, is separated into four sections, each based on one of our four founders (Gwen, Laura, Mitchell... and Nicole aka. Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Griffendor... and Slytherin). We also believe that God gave every person on this Earth all the information that they will need (in life) at birth... and therefore teach no subjects. The only requirements to be excepted at our school is that you know the five fingers (thumb=good, index=pointing, middle=anger, ring=marriage, pinky=cool/plotting), however, if you are a smoking old creeper you may be denied... hostile action will be used if necessary. (FYI. the Four of Five got its name from the four founders knowing the five fingers => the Four of Five). **For further information please contact one of our founders.**
Herd leaders

Unknown Unknown "GWEN'S♥" Inspired