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Busy Week | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: Busy Week
Led by FutureK | 2 members

This week is so busy for me, after daddy recover and i may need to focus on some new project and taking care of my little girl. As taking care her may have some communication problem or issue between me and hubby. It is not easy to explain by word and telling other how stressful it is, sometime i just want him to know i don't have any choose now that's why i feel very stressful and would like to have a break even 2 hours alone... but it is hard to have a rest. I am not really understand why man can''t understand "taking care a baby" is not a easy stuff. When you looking after the baby you may need to teach them new stuff telling story playing with them clearing up the dirty.. it not just only sitting there and "look at" the baby and playing ipad or smart phone................ Taking care the baby and earning money also need to worry about how to make the baby happy is not easy to a mummy."Taking rest" is a very sensitive word for a mum.......!!! This word is driving my crazy.......Don't try to ask me to take some rest now !!! Because i don't have this choice right now ! Damn it.
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FutureK FutureK "Precious" Surprised