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The Nut House 30/5 | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: The Nut House 30/5
Led by Lisa Cats | 1 members

WELCOME TO THE NUT HOUSE!!! Please stay a while... Rules are simple! 1) Come in and post your 30 2) Thumb all the way back until you thumb someone to 5 3) Notify the person you thumbed to 5 and clear their posts 4) Also remember to put in the topic C/N who you cleared and who was on 4 before you leave the herd so there is no confusion. 5) PLEASE leave ALL maxed users in the herd, we'll get them to 5 the next day! 6) And finally, try and have fun making some points!
Herd leaders

Lisa Cats Lisa Cats "MYNE Darkling" Dreams of shadows and bloodlust