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The Vortex | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: The Vortex
Led by Fawzy | 11 members

This is 45 (3 pages exactly) x 5 herd, Follow the rules in (Herd Announcements) exactly a so the herd can go smoothly.
Herd leaders

Fawzy Fawzy "~rest in peace~" back in 24 hours or so

Danielle Danielle "Sassypants" Tired
chris b chris b "❤️ My knight" adventurous

Knyboi Knyboi "KaSs ♥" Smooches

Bok Inator Bok Inator "Risqué" on top of the world

Jocelyn Nimmo Jocelyn Nimmo "Sweet Dove" College Graduate :-)

themistoklis themistoklis "♥ SweetHeart " Inspired

King King "my sweetheart❤" I Am Free Soul :)@@@

Ms Mariyet Ms Mariyet "Soundy" Carefree