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In the time of beassts | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: In the time of beassts
Led by Gabriel | 2 members

There are four worlds Pilar, Shama, Somara, and Charan. Pilarians are centaurs, half horse half man, Shamanians are bat-poeple, somarians are wolf-people, and charanians are cat people. Pilarian have the body of a horse and torso and up of a man. Shamanians have bat wings, somarians have the wolf tail, ears, and eyes and can turn into a wolf, and charanians have cat ears, eyes, and tail. There are 8 deities: four dark deities and four light deities. Amaina, the goddess of hope, Amaira, the goddess of despair, Chama, the god of peace, Hama, the god of war, Papara, god of love, Apara, goddess of hate, Shamana, Lady of Light, Damoran, Lord of Darkness. They rule over the four worlds, Shama, Somara, Pilan, and Charan. A prophesy, that foretells of four chosen ones, one from each world that will stop the fighting between the gods, The Dragon tells of the Chosen four One from each world shall be bore Stop the war keep the gods Stop the destruction keep the worlds
Herd leaders

Gabriel Gabriel "NOM NOM CUPCAKE" you say you want a riot