Hey There Everyone ! This is my SECOND contest that I'm hosting SPECIAL THANKSSS TO PANIC WHO'S JOINING ME This is for anyone and everyone who enjoys photo editing ! Let's see who's HP's favourite Photo Editor !! RULES 1. No Drama 2. No Fakes 3. No Refunds 4. There are 3 rounds for the contest 5. Have fun and please have respect ENTRY Entry will be free ^^ just post your name in the topicss please There will be eliminations in each round. If you enjoy this contest then please post your thoughts in the topic : Annual Contest ? Then we will run this annually for everyone :) VOTING UNLIMITED :) PRIZES #1 : 2 000 000 + 3 month membership + banner #2 : 1 000 000 + 1 month membership + banner #3: 500 000 + banner |
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