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Beer Stores Suck! | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: Beer Stores Suck!
Led by Stan Waters | 3 members

As a true blue beer drinker, and I'm talking as a REAL beer drinker, not the occasional bottle because you're into drinking wine or hard liqours, I'd like to know why, when I go to the Beer Store to buy a case of BEER that I have to line up in the return line (with no empties with me!) behind wine and liquor people? Why aren't beer drinkers served before wine drinkers? Let em wait I say! know how many times I stand there waiting while some damn wine drinker sorts out their damn bottles out of a plastic grocery bag to collect a friggin dime per bottle and not even buy beer when it's all said and done? What a friggin scam the LCBO has. Sell the bottles full and have them returned at the beer store. Hey people, let's piss off the beer drinkers! Well f**k the LCBO. Cripes, even I have the occasional bottle of wine or bottle of booze but I'm not bringing it back to the beer store. Nope. I smash them and put them in my recycling box. Go f**k yourself McGuinty! Call the bottle police on me. See if I f**king care!
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Stan Waters Stan Waters "Freebird" Feeling devilish!

Brenda Corcoran-Dubas Brenda Corcoran-Dubas "Sweetheart" Born to be Wild

Janice Corcoran Janice Corcoran "~Lady J~"