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Not Quite Sane | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: Not Quite Sane
Led by Lyanthya | 2 members

Here we have people from all walks of life. The only common thread is that we are not quite sane. I just wanted to find a central spot so we could all keep in touch and my friends from one part of the web could interact with my friends from other parts of the web. Discuss anything and everything, but use your common sense. A discussion of whether you like cats or dogs better is fine. A discussion on the merits of putting kittens and puppies into woodchippers is not. Oh, just to be clear--there WILL be feminists here. We do not hate men, we are not all fat, and we are not all ugly. We just want equality. If you can't handle that, do not join. Welcome, and have fun!
Herd leaders

Lyanthya Lyanthya "Glinda" Dazed