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Shane's Simplicity is Sexy Herd | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: Shane's Simplicity is Sexy Herd
Led by Shane | 3 members

A place to have fun , a talk, a flirt , a little thumbing , whatever!! WITH VERY FEW rules . And they be ( as I get to set em) : No more than one hundred posts in a row In one post say something even Hi ( something a little more imaginative or decadent would be better though - LOL) . Thumb back as many posts/pages for others as you can. (After all, we're all here to help each other get those items or pets we desire) Lastly as a general rule here, as in life : "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" Rock On & get into it m/
Herd leaders

Shane Shane "RoCkIn' ShAne" :)