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50/10 | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: 50/10
Led by Johanna | 3 members

50/10 Thumbing herd RULES ON HOW TO USE THIS HERD. PLEASE READ THIS FIRST! 1: Reserve your spot in the queue - Post something like "1 - t/p" or "thumbing then posting". 2: Thumb every post from the FRONT (page 1) to the BACK (last page). Do NOT thumb from the back to the front. 3: Do not thumb a user past 10 thumbs 4: Delete the users spam (posts) who has reached 10 thumbs and then notify them via message. 5: Post in the "Cleared and Notified" thread who you have cleared and notified. 6: Post your spam (the remaining 49 posts - your first post is NOT a freebie). 7: In your 50th post also state who you have cleared and notified. 8: Finished. Just sit back and wait to be notified of your next turn. :)
Herd leaders

Johanna Johanna "myoriginprofile!" ~♥ finally happy ♥~

Angel Of Retribution Angel Of Retribution "Retribution"

Tuija Virjonen Tuija Virjonen "LIRKKU!"

Mathew Meyer Mathew Meyer "Mr. M" Lazy