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<-:[Keychain Collectors]:-> | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: <-:[Keychain Collectors]:->
Led by Unknown | 1 members

So many collect postcards... what about the other odd things? Keychains, key fobs, patches, candies... ok maybe not candies. Those kinda melt when left in the mail too long. Mmm... candy... *ahem* Oh sorry about that! Anywho, -I- personally can't collect postcards [they get eaten] but I can safely do keychains! So I wanted to focus on the 3D, the dangles, the shiny, and everything else not easily shredded :) <3 PS: This is NOT for postcards! I do not want to infringe on Postcard Collector's Club!!!
Herd leaders

Unknown Unknown "bumble bee" Frumious