A single plot is reserved with your name on it. Your last rights will be issued in 64 comments. Worms will multiply until each comment reaches 10. Then we spam all over again! You have your own Cemetary Plot/Tombstone Post 64 comments in YOUR PLOT ONLY (8 Pages) Thumb all the other plots in the Cemetery. When YOUR PLOT reaches 10 thumbs, it's your signal to spam another 64 comments in YOUR PLOT and start again. PLOTS over 10 thumbs are NOT to be thumbed. It's the plot owners responsiblity to provide fresh spam in their grave (64 comments each round)...and to check on their status regulary. All members of the Cemetery must thumb ALL other plots ...anyone who does not will be banned instantly. (This will be checked randomly). The Bottom of the herd is a CHAT section, so feel free to chat, while thumbing, and have fun!!..Well as much as you can while zombified! LOL xo |
Herd leaders