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Herd Profile: Andrea's place
Led by Andrea Minor | 5 members

So if you had read my tale about the strange happenings that happened on my office one day then you will know what I am talking about, if not then here we go..... Little history: I have was adopted when I was just a new baby, I have found my biological family when my daughter was about 2, very neat. I have been a nurse since 2000. I have loved every minute of it too. So then one day a male patient of mine asked me after he had his physical when did I model for the health pamphlets..??.. I had no idea what he was talking about, esp as I never did! So I looked at what he was talking about and yes indeed, it did look exactly like me! not just a little, but it was a mirror of me! So in return for thumbing my spam and random comments after 100 message me your addy and I will mail you said pamphlet with a post card. I am going to get a friend to take a similar pick of me and then post that too. I have a doppleganger out there who needs a Maybe some pet out there knows who she is, let me know too. Would love to meet her. cheers pets xx
Herd leaders

Andrea Minor Andrea Minor "Andrea " Loves all the pets out there