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TH Mafia Dungeons and Dragons | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: TH Mafia Dungeons and Dragons
Led by Angel | 6 members

This is the herd for all the people included in our Dungeons and Dragons Campaign, so that we can continue to play online while I'm away. I expect total honesty about your rolls, and I will, in exchange, provide a great campaign. As a DM, I WILL okassionally decieve you, so I encourage you, as the player, to throw up a "Shenannigans!" call whenever necessary. Keep it fun, keep it fair, and keep playing! (This is how you write things out of character) "Things your character says must be in Quotes!" *Stealthily* To take an action with an adverb, use asterisks
Herd leaders

Angel Angel Cheeky