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365 to change | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: 365 to change
Led by Phoenix | 2 members

Greetings I have decided that the state of our society is driving me crazy. I have tried to do this before, but I think if I have someone to hold me accountable, even if its only here , then maybe I will stick with it. What I am going to do is, Everyday I am going to commit to another change for a period of one year...hopefully my chnages will stick after that time, but its a start. They have to be changes that benefit my overall health and the health of the environment/society. If you want to jump on board and create your own change it, post what your doing for that day. Lets do this! THe state of our planet is in need of change. The change I post everyday will be something I stick with for the rest of the year.
Herd leaders

Phoenix Phoenix "Dead" Loving