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ONE STOP SPEEDY rtf | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: ONE STOP SPEEDY rtf
Led by GrandMOMZ | 5 members


The fastest thumbing on HP...check it out! NO MORE SCROLLING THE BIG PAGE!!

No deletions and no limits...everyone has their own thread! All rtf threads and their posts will be individually made in Herd Discussion leaving the main board open to regular discussions and shop items. MEMBERS THREADS WILL BE EASY AND FAST TO FIND! Membership is limited to 15, (5 member threads per page and 3 pages in the Herd Discussion area), no need to hit the next button unless inside an individual thread when thumbing! When the 15 member limit is reached a new herd will be started working in the same manner.

(rtf) RETURN THE FAVOR RULES: (See GrandMOMZ thread to know how to post) 1. Start a thread in HERD DISCUSSION naming your thread YOUR name rtf thread example: GrandMOMZ rtf thread 2. Make NUMBER POSTS ONLY within YOUR thread 3. Continue numbers consecutively marking each 100th with a Thankyou, short remark or one of your gift shop items. (1-100 marked -- 101-200 marked 201-300 marked etc. ) 4. There is no limit to the amount of posts you want to put within your thread for trade...However I do require at least a 300 minimum. 5. DO NOT POST COMMENTS OR GIFTS WITHIN ANYONES rtf threads!! You can make comments to them on the main page.

Herd MAIN Page RULES: Hopefully we will not just be clicking thumbs here but as a herd get to know one another too! Being a small herd of only 15 this is a reasonable expectation. Main page is for everyday chat and comments only. NO REPEATED POSTINGS just for thumbs! If you repeat postings for thumbs you will be disappointed as they will be deleted. It will be expected that you always thumb down the first page when entering. If you want to page back it will be much appreciated by all but is not required. No offers to buy or sell pets are allowed....No Personal ads that do not pertain to the HP auctions, shops and newspaper are allowed. If posting items from your shop no more than 3 per day. No offense or pornographic items or remarks allowed. These offenses will get you banned. Keep all comments and chats family friendly.
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Herd leaders

GrandMOMZ GrandMOMZ ~~ ღ♥♥♥ ღ ~~