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Clauds thumbing herd | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: Clauds thumbing herd
Led by Penelope xxOwners Cute Cupcakexx | 12 members

Thumb my herd for 100pts per page, then message me with your private buy-now auction in the amount...or i thumb you back!! leave a message in the MARKERS!!! message me at my main profile: i dont look here often!!

if you thumb me message and leave a marker in herd: i will pay you!!
if you thumb me message and leave a marker in herd: i will pay you!!

Herd Discussion:
1. Start a new herd topic. Title it something like thumbs, ie: "Alice's thumb bank" or some such
2. Start the first post, just start right off with thumb spam like "1." (only counting)
3. Click post topic
4. reopen the topic if it's not opened already
5. added a comment to the topic, of thumb spam, so like "2."
6. repeat a billion times (or however many you want)
7. open other people's herd topics and thumb their spam
8. whenever a topic is updated, it's automaticallyl brought to the top of the topic list, so you can easily see who's updated, this means you don't need to post a topic about updating, as it's self evident
9. this also means if you get tired thumbing all the time, you can give multiple people 100 thumbs or so easily, without, say, giving the last person to write in the comments section 1000 thumbs but no one else gets any.

Herd Discussion: Why not spam up there with every person with their own separate topic?
maybe ppl are nice and thumb you too :P
Herd leaders

Penelope xxOwners Cute Cupcakexx Penelope xxOwners Cute Cupcakexx ƸӜƷDirty deeds done cheap♥

Mitch Mitch "SOUL WARRIOR" Surprised