1. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE TEAM HP BEFORE YOU PICK SUPPORT FIGHTS with others... I love you all, and love the fact you want to help others by giving support fights, but if you do it from TEAM HP, I'm liable to hunt you down and kill you all!! If you message one of us we will invite you back to TEAM HP if you leave to give fights.. If you need to go into another gang to give the fights, we also have one of those, so just message one of your admins and we'll help!! 2. If you want to invite a friend to TEAM HP, you first make sure I know about the person & got my permission. If I see a new member in the gang, with whom I had no previous contact, I will kick the person out. You will be responsible to show your friend the ropes if it is a newbie. 3. You do not add any friend if they are not in a alliance with us, until you strong enough to win a fight. Do not expect to have jumped for a week & being capable of taking on one of the top gangs. If you got any suspicions on who put in a friend request with you, ask one of us and we will gladly help. 4. For the good of all the gang, it is preferable if your fight & jump lines include "TEAM HP", that will make our allies notice our help/call and help us. 5. Do NOT start a fight if you cant be there at the end. If a fight has been picked with you & you cant be there at the end, it is your duty to inform everybody. I must be informed about them at least 4 hours before they end,if you want to win you must ask for help, we are all here for you. 6. The most important rule.. HAVE FUN! |
Herd leaders