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Crap Factor | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: Crap Factor
Led by Unknown | 2 members

In this herd, post any sort of crappy(/amazing) joke, short story, or pun (or really anything else. Gifts work too, if you've crafted them yourself) with a "***" before it.
In return, I will reward you in thumbs, depending on the Crap Factor!
In the "tally" topic, I will tally the total points per person in the herd. At the end of the week, I will thumb each respective herd.

However, the person with the most points gets a ***BONUS 15 PAGES****
(an idea here... perhaps the person who gets the bonus gets a topic for their spam that everyone in the group will thumb? or, posting spam somewhere? any ideas people?)

Crap Factor
- points if:
I've heard it before
It is not very cheesy
It was already posted
+ points if:
It gathers a reaction from other posters
It makes me laugh, groan, snort, etc
--- thumbs in this group is important. don't thumb posts you think are not crap factor material--- (though in-between comments should all be thumbed)

*Originality and stupidity is key!*
This is a new herd, so if you have any ideas or suggestions, I am all ears!
Herd leaders

Unknown Unknown "Missing pet" Content