This herd is designed for admins of public - as in group thumb exchange - thumbing herds to exchange and discuss issues, concerns, and suggestions about their herd(s). Personal herds where you receive thumbs and your herders leave you links to their herd(s) are not included in the mandate here.
In order to be a member, you must be an admin of at least one public thumbing herd . If you are not the owner, you must send me a msg including the URL for said herd so that your admin status can be verified with the owner.
Here, we'll be able to exchange info on the following topics ...
stock 'clearing messages' - hopefully, there will be a diverse enough membership to provide translations of those messages too!!
comment ideas - standard numbers ,quotes or funny phrases ?; manageable length of posting sets ?; good number of thumbs ?
problem thumbers - warnings vs kicking / banning, sharing the names to allow other admins the option whether these ppl should be allowed in their herd
suggestions for improving membership / traffic to your herd - contests, incentives, newspaper vs profile advertising
promoting your own herd to the membership
seeking an additional admin or promoting one of your own as a good one to add to another herd
suggestions to improve herd management - convincing Patrick to include a 'jump x pages' and / or 'jump to end' navigation option, confirmation of banning, transfer / sharing or ownership with other admins
anything else you think is worth discussing ● ● ● ● ●
This herd is for you admins, so let's start working with each other!!!!