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Completely Random Thumbing | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: Completely Random Thumbing
Led by Ali A | 3 members

This is a herd for people who just want to thumb someone at random, just beacuse you can. A random act of kindness, with no expectation of return.

The only rules ...
1. I'm thumbing 50 pages, on one person randomly. Do more, or less, whatever you like. I'm not telling you what to do. I'm posting a link to the person who I've done that day, and its recommended that if you join the herd you do that person too... but again, its up to you, pick someone else if you want
2. If you message me asking to be the random thumbee, you won't be. That defeats the purpose of randomness.
Normally, random thumbees are selected using the 'Search Random Profiles' as often as I can, work permitting, and picking someone with a thumbing herd.

Thats all. I'm mostly using this as a way of keeping track of who i've randomly thumbed so I dont duplicate (mind you, with the amount of people on here that isn't likely!). Feel free to join in!
Herd leaders

Ali A Ali A "☆ Mermaid ☆"