this herd is for friends, pets/owners and my thumb swappers who fall into 3 categories. first: those friends/pets who couldn't be bothered to go thumbing in my main herd, with all its nasty mass spam (mainly due to no spam herd themselves) and would on the other hand happily thumb some pages every week if there was something of substance, and short to thumb... second: my more prolific thumb swappers who put up a lot of spam and would like to make up the difference between my first herd and their spam herd, as well as having a forum to meet those others in my close hp network! and third: some pets who don't really do the whole hp thumbing thing much and would like to interact with my other pets and friends etc PLEASE READ RULES BELOW AND TELL ME ANY THAT ARE SILLY OR OTT. THEY ARE THERE TO MAINTAIN A CERTAIN STRUCTURE AND FAIRNESS ON ALL USERS, WHILE STILL KEEPING IT WHAT IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE, MY THUMBING HERD. HOPEFULLY THE GIFT IDEA MAY ENCOURAGE MY CONTACTS TO KNOW EACH OTHER. REMEMBER, A THUMB FOR EVERYONE WILL BE SEEN AS A THUMB FOR ME AND RETURNED BY ME.... Rules/user notes: 1: i will put up 7 pages of stuff every week, on 1 day, in 1 go! 2: please thumb everybody, a thumb for others is a thumb for me!!! 3: all utd (up to date) remarks to be accompanied by an item from his or 4: her own shop or of another within the group, so go visit wen you join! 5: PLEASE TRY AND VISIT HERE EVERY WEEK, PRETTY PLEASE... 6:3 comments at a time should be the standard (only 1 need be gift) if more than 3 (max 8 unless allowed by me specifically) : then 1 post n 2 must be a gift. I WILL DELETE RULE BREAKS. 7:do not post more than 2 groups of posts a week, though you can leave a hello comment every day if you wish, OR CONVERSE FREELY IF YOU BUMP INTO ANOTHER MEMBER HERE OF COURSE... 8:EXCEPTION TO ABOVE ARE MEMBER POINTS EMERGENCIES WHERE ON REQUEST I MAY ALLOW A PAGE OF SPAM, PLEASE THUMB IT!! 9:use your posts to say hi, come to shop/herd, take the piss, whatever! 10:all posts (except mine) must either be a gift, or at least 3 words long! 11:membership is restricted to my friends etc, sorry. 12:note that the herd is located where i work my summers, the old head golf links. ps my home would be 1 cm down from center top of pic!
Herd leaders