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Herd Profile: I need your support.
Led by Unknown | 2 members

So here it is, there is this dumb situation that started because my boyfriend's parent was listening to an arguement about a dance i was going to, while we were on the phone.
In her eyes, seeing (even speaking) to an ex is morally wrong. This apparently makes me a whore/slut. She also believes that I am playing him/cheating on him/not being serious about our relationship.
I confess, everyone makes there mistakes and I shouldnt have went to the dance without him. BUT, I have NEVER cheated on him, NEVER played him, and I was serious about this relationship from the beginning.
We are happy we are together.. but because of the parents, we are unable to share that happiness and just enjoy eachother.
He is being blamed for his sister's problems. He has to put up with hearing how I am apparently cheating on him with my ex. He has to live with it.. while I just hear about how im also being blamed for everything. I have been blamed of lowering his marks, for his reactions, for his behavior, for making him sick. I have been acused of being a witch that cast spells on him to make him like me so much.
And the reason we put up with this because we do love eachother and we just want to be happy together.. its something worth fighting for.. and I finally had enough of trying to fight this alone.
She had said.. she would stop if he could just have one person on his side.. and he says there are plenty that would be..
I just want to see it. See more then one person help us.. all we want is for them to mind their own business and back off... Will you join?
If you join, just post: I'm with you.
It would go a long way for us.. and really help us through this. Thank you.
Herd leaders

Unknown Unknown "Lith <3" Wild

Unknown Unknown "Matthias" Growling