This herd is for those who have seen the movie Zeitgeist and want to do something to change America for the better. To stop institutions like the church, the very manipulative and corrupt church and government. If you haven't seen the movie go to: http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/ You can join this group even if you haven't seen the movie, its just a place for people to come if they feel that the United States government is corrupt and you want it to change!!!! THE REVOLUTION IS NOW PEOPLE! . . . . . http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/ Zeitgeist is the most important documentary of our time - Zeitgeist is *the* MUST SEE movie. Beginning with a history of Christianity, the film transitions into the new era and follows the development of governments and the role of government in the world today. If you are not already awake, you will be after seeing this film! Everyone I know who's seen this film has agreed with me that it is the most important, epic journey of the modern era. PLEASE plan 2* hours sometime in the very near future, or drop what you're doing right now, and WATCH THIS DOCUMENTARY. * The first chapter may discourage many Christians from watching the rest. Please it is so important that you watch the other 2 parts of the movie. Part 2 starts at 42 minutes in, so please either wait it out or just skip ahead. Parts 2 and 3 are unimaginably important. --- These are some good things to check out on a variety of issues related to both the movie Zeitgeist and our own Zeitgeist ("The Revolution Is Now."). Personal Enlightenment: Ajahn Brahm, Buddhist Society of Western Australia http://www.bswa.org/audio/podcast/AjahnBrahm.rss.php Joseph Campbell, Mythologist http://www.jcf.org/ Personal Freedom: Niels van der Linden, The Freedom Channel http://thefreedomchannel.blogspot.com/ Political/Personal Freedom: Stefan Molyneux, Free Domain Radio http://www.freedomainradio.com/ Economic Freedom: Ludwig von Mises, Mises Institute of Economics http://www.mises.org/ The Info War (Because there's a war on for your mind): http://www.infowars.com/ http://www.prisonplanet.com/ |
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