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Piper's Pets | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: Piper's Pets
Led by Unknown | 3 members

This is home to my pets and my pets alone.
The rules are as follows:
1. Above all else, please remember this is just a game - we're here for fun, so let's have fun!
2. Be a good pet - check in on and thumb your owner as much as possible.
3. Post comments to be thumbed regularly - I can't thumb you if you don't post. In this herd, you may spam 2 pages daily, no more, and must thumb back until you reach previous posts by you.
That's it! As you follow these rules and participate, you will be rewarded. Your value as a pet will increase, you will receive special gifts, etc. It is my job to be a good owner and care for you. I will not drop the ball intentionally.
Herd leaders

Unknown Unknown "675-987-456" exhausted