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Thumpers Personal Thumbs | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: Thumpers Personal Thumbs
Led by Unknown | 2 members

Hi my HP Friends - I hope to use this as my Spammming for Thumper's Points Page - I am asking for help here now and this will hopefully avoid my Pafe (Home Page) People have gently nudged me to do so. So I don't spam the Place where their Gifts are Posted - So here I go - I ask also for no gifts here - Makes it easy to Power Thumb and keep ur dialogue (ur Markers) fairly short too. Thx so much my friends - Peace and Love to all - PS still my main thumbs r my pafe' for now till I get this going thx - both sincerely and respectfully - Thumper
Herd leaders

Unknown Unknown "Sweet Westerner" Carefree