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Herd Profile: Aphex Twin
Led by Unknown | 3 members

__There's no one else really like Aphex Twin. Sure, there are plenty of people (including Radiohead, these days) who Richard twiddling with his knobs livesound like Richard D. James, or want to. But there's no one else really like him. Aphex Twin is melody and chaos, usually at the same time. His music isn't strictly electronica, and it's not strictly ambient either. You could dance to it, I suppose, but if you attempted to follow any of the rhythms you'd end up in a hideous twisted heap on the floor.
So, what is it, then? Well, it's music. It's got hooks, choruses, melodies, chord progressions and that bit where it goes 'nnnggghhhCHANKCHANKCHANK', whatever the hell that is. It's also having a bit of a laugh, while being completely serious on a different level.
favourite Aphex site 4 Up-to-the-minute news, complete discography.
Herd leaders

Unknown Unknown "VAL" Sparkling

Hein Gerber Hein Gerber Rules The Toe