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Ásta >> Sara – Rescue operation | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: Ásta >> Sara – Rescue operation
Led by Tommi Backgren | 7 members

Okay people, time for an old school pet rescue operation involving lots of thumbing. The target is a pet named Ásta (aka.‘ ice queen’) from Iceland and her 'should be' owner is Sara (‘Cassiopea’) from my pets who are all very dear to me. Ásta costs around 93 600 points but with only 50 000p and the points that are already collected we should be able to get her back with some buffer to spare. So if you love pets here is how you can help: 1) Thumb here, thumb like the wind! Every thumb get's us 10p closer to our goal! 2) Buy one or more ‘Ásta to Sara’-donation items from my shop. All points go tax free to Sara who will be grateful to you forever and ever! Remember, a good act will not go unnoticed by Santa :)
Herd leaders

Tommi Backgren Tommi Backgren "Charitommi" Inspired

Unknown Unknown "Cassiopeia" Playful