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Certified Donkey Rangers | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: Certified Donkey Rangers
Led by Bryce Monus | 8 members

There's a serious problem in the poker world today. The number of donkey sitings at the table has increased significantly. The problem started to manifest when one finally beat a WSOP champ by going "All In". Now they're all doing it... ALL THE TIME! World domination? Who knows. Something must be done before it's too late...
Here's your opportuinity of a lifetime! Jump at the chance at becoming an official certified Donkey Ranger. All are welcome, but few will apply... out of sheer terror of the requirements, responsibility & danger (yes DANGER!) of up holding our laws. Those laws are as follows:
1- A Donkey Ranger's responsibility is to keep the donks in line.
2- You have a weapon. It's called your brain. Use it.
3- Donkeys aren't our friends; they're food. Chew 'em up!
4- You must have a sense of humor. Your inability to think fast will make YOU the donkey instead.
5- Knowledge of the poker laws is manditory.
6- Increase thy skills; fine tune your Donkey Powers.
7- Donkey Powers are not to be used for celebrity endorsements. This means you Matusow!
8- Become one with your Donkey Senses.
9- Donkeys are a conniving bunch. Keep your eyes & ears open at all times.
10- Going all in doesn't make you a donk; you're just giving their chips a better home. :]
11- You don't have to win every game; just try to.
12- Stand tall and be proud to called a Donkey Ranger!
Welcome to the force, Donkey Ranger!
Go, Go Donkey Rangers...
(sorry still working on a theme song)

Herd habitat
Herd leaders

Bryce Monus Bryce Monus "BC" Dazed

Unknown Unknown "sweet kellie" Playful