When you first arrive, YOU MUST GO THRU AND THUMB ALL OF THE POSTS FROM FRONT TO BACK. (DONT THUMB BACKWARDS PLEASE!!!!!) IF A SET YOU'RE THUMBING HITS 10 THUMBS THEN IT'S YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO DELETE THAT SET AND INFORM THE PERSON THAT INFORM THE PERSON THAT THEY CAN RETURN TO THE 60 POSTS HERD. 60 POSTS EACH WHICH MEANS 40 PAGES TO THUMB MAXIMUM....LESS IF PEOPLE DO U2D THUMBING AND 6000 POINTS PER ROTATE. UTD thumbing Allowed each. As all members have ability to delete they can thumb to their marker and delete it themselves before re-adding their new one. No one can delete another persons marker. Please delete any idle chatter that isn't needed or part of a persons set.