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UNIVERSE | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: UNIVERSE
Led by Unknown | 1 members

We join forces with the mountains and the trees, the sky and the cosmos, the interlacing energy, the subtle breeze, to become ONE. UNIVERSE. LOVE. We protect all who ask of us to do so. We love all who come our way. Our only goal is to achieve a perfect balance between unique separate self and melded oneness in the habitat we cannot disregard, or rather, to help be aware of that which already is. All UNIVERSE. ALL EXISTENCE. When you get hurt, or when you create the damage, come to the healing waters, wash away your pain and anger in the antibacteria of these sharp pointy ice claws! BEAR CITY----> US CITY! Bambi was his own mother. Just as I am yours and you are mine. We. But also I.
Herd leaders
Unknown Unknown "AIEE!" Scared