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Luxurious thumbs :) | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: Luxurious thumbs :)
Led by Unknown | 8 members

a luxurious herd for only 10 people to support each other in gaining points... Goodluck :* I'm pretty sure that we all know the rules, but let's make it a bit different from all the others: - each of us leaves 2 pages of comments - thats 30 comments - you can count, you can put emots, you can write whatever you want, - but don't thumb untill there is 20 pages!!! all 20 of us have to put their comments first, so that each of gets the same number of thumbs. - after finishing a row of 20 we will start all over again :) - I'll make sure to choose people that are here everyday, or almost everyday. - thank you, good luck, and PLEASE be honest - we're trying to help each other people :) And one more thing... make sure, you klicked each and every thumb on a page, 'cause as we all know, they sometimes don't react on our click :) THANK YOU!!!
Herd leaders

Unknown Unknown "Misia" Hopeless