Welcome Y'all. ~~~~~ PLEASE read the rules BEFORE you thumb or post ~~~~~ Please let me STRESS that I do STRONGLY encourage that you thumb throughout the day if possible, that way you don't have butt loads of pages to thumb and yes I DID say butt loads, lol. **Thumb all to 5 and cleared at 5. ** Then post 69 of your own. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO THUMB THROUGHOUT THE DAY. If you choose to thumb throughout the day, post a comment to let us know that you've thumbed up to date. I personally find it easier to thumb through out the day, so you don't have 20+ pages to thumb at a time, but the choice is yours. **You will be notified by an admin when your set has been maxed and cleared and you are good to post again.** Any questions or comments, just let me know.
Thanks Y'all