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Time Capsule Around the World | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: Time Capsule Around the World
Led by Randy | 5 members

This is a place to assist me in my quest. The idea is that I take place in auctions to obtain items from around the world and place them in a box (or chest assuming I get a lot of items) and keep them all in one spot. Then, over the years, I'll pick a date to lock it! Once locked, it wont be opened until a certain amount of time later on. My greatest hope is that this project will be life changing for myself intellectually and socially. If you want to join the herd to donate to my cause I'd really appreciate it, but this isn't the only thing that goes on. I really want to meet people from around the world too! So come in and diversify with me in my giant melting pot herd through time!
Herd leaders

Randy Randy "Hunky foxy boi" Tired