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♫ musical animals ♪ | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: ♫ musical animals ♪
Led by Unknown | 8 members

For all those animals who enjoy the beauty of music, we form a herd. We celebrate all genres, time periods, and composers in order to form a common link between us. Music is the purest of language that has no linguistic boundaries and speaks directly to the soul. Through music we express those thoughts and feelings that words can in nowise be capable of portraying. Through music we worship and draw closer to our God. Through music we realize who we really are as individuals, a means of expressing our very selves. No instrument no matter how beautifully played on its own can compare to the beauty of the whole orchestra playing in perfect harmony and full majesty. Hope is the ability to hear the music of the future, faith is having the courage to dance to it today.
Herd leaders

Unknown Unknown "benny" Courageous