This is a private Royal family (herd) for members or friends related or otherwise intimately connected to our beautiful and talented head Mistress: Regent Dusk...in this herd she shall be known as the Empress Dusk because this is her rightful title. I have opened this castle in her honor. All who are recruited, volunteer and are selected to join this herd must respect the fact that the Empress is the most important member to thumb. Due to this level of prestige, she will not be expected to run and manage this herd and I have appointed myself as leader. Therefore, direct any problems or questions that arise to me in the form of a private message. If you are a family member please send a request to join...as long as you are in good standing in the house you will be IN. If you are a friend of the family and I do not already know you well....you must have at least one reference from another family member in good standing...preferably from a Baroness or higher in status. You will also be required to answer, to the best of your ability, one to three questions. If you are not sure whether or not you are family or whether or not you are a family member in good standing...message me...:P DIRECTIVES: Thumb each other, Thumb properly, Thumb often! After you thumb, include the initials DC to signify that your royal duty to this herd has been fullfilled. This herd (regardless of your standing in family) WILL be culled...consider yourself warned. Thank you for your interest in this Royal herd. Blessings and Be well! Marquise Yemanja (DC) |
Herd leaders