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The Zoo-niverse | - Free online hangout and friends
Herd Profile: The Zoo-niverse
Led by Unknown | 9 members

Owned by Dixon Bainbridge explorer extrordanaire and run by Bob Fossil welcome to The Zoo-niverse. Howard Moon and Vince Noir will gladly entertain you during your excursion into our crazy world.Don't forget to pay a visit to Naboo our traveling Shaman for all your zoo-niverse needs...a word of advice though if he points a digiridoo at you...DUCK.... you will have twist!d dreams. After your journey Howard and Vince may try to entertain you with a little Human League or a bit of Bryan Ferry or even the entire back catalogue of Gary Numan and sadly...yes a lot of Jazz Funk. If you happen to upset Howard, he WILL put a move on you but hey I think it will be fine...go...go buy the hat....anyway Welcome to The Zoo-niverse!!!!
Herd leaders

Unknown Unknown "OnePissedOffHipp" Adventurous