
"Free At Last"
Steve's tales
I'm thinking of leaving this site amungst others. Could use the time it would free up. Comments would b appreciated.
Steve Harvey "Free At Last" Adored
- 15 years, 10 months, 1 day ago
Quiting Smoking I tried this b4 and it doesn't always go well...obviously. But after flying last time, i'm not sure i can deal with not being able to have a smoke when and where i feel, and it's only going to get worse.... Plus i can't be bothered going up the shops today. I woke up and just didn't want to smoke ciggarettes could this be the time i see it through i doubt it but at least i'll enjoy the walk 2morrow.
Steve Harvey "Free At Last" Adored
- 15 years, 11 months, 10 days ago
I was recently reunited with an un-extinguishable flame. When I first met her I can't say I didn't notice her awesome, awsomness, but when we kissed, her lips were so soft but so passionate. And she had a tiny scar that i couldn't take my eyes off.. until she got her boobs out of course. At 17 I had a decision to make. Stay in England or return to Austalia. I chose to return. After years of dreaming about her I found her and found she'd been looking for me. I had to see her so I did. I couldn't believe my luck. She is more beautiful than I could ever have imagined her to be. And within 4 weeks she was pregnant. I'm the luckiest man alive. To have someone as intelegant and so beautiful and talented go through that and share a comon dream with me is overwhelming to put it mildly. I am waiting for her to visit in 9 weeks and eventually move out here for good. Until then we'll just drive each other crazy online.
Steve Harvey "Free At Last" Adored
- 15 years, 11 months, 10 days ago
Stolen again from Mike ..... lol I read this and had to put it in my tales. it is a funny game..hp..why on earth would we spend time caring and interacting with strangers?..why? it because it is simpler then real life? like someone you show them them, place value in points in them, give them gifts you could never give in real life..if you do not like them, hell can block or why spend the time?..ok it is a thrill but I think it is more. I think we all have the desire to love and care for each other..but in real life there are so many barriers to no barriers..but also no rules, no rules opens us all to getting hurt...Thumbing is points show level of effort and care?? So sometimes the game gets blurred..real life feelings hit hp rules..I hope we are being kind!. But more then anything I hope we are learning something from this game. If you value them. If they are wasting your time...move on..if you have found the love of your life...fight with everything you have...have fun it is a game and then get back into real life and apply same care, loyalty and honesty, hey who knows..reality may be even better Giselle Botha Mike Tammaro
Steve Harvey "Free At Last" Adored
- 15 years, 11 months, 13 days ago
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