Soundtrack to my life...TRY IT IT'S HILARIOUS!
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool..
Opening Credits: Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing Chris Isaack
Waking Up: The Boy in the Bubble- Patty Smith
First Day At School: Itsy Bitsy Spider- Joey DeLuxe
(We all remember that homicidal spidey which kills at least 2 people in that song right?)
Falling In Love: Hold Me Trill Me Kiss Me Kill me-U2
Fight Song: Countdown to Extinction - Megadeath
(Now that’s what I call it a fight! I’m gonna endanger your species motherfuckers)
Breaking Up: Get up Again- Flaw
Prom: Fuzzy- Grant Lee Buffalo
Life's Ok: Hellraiser-Motorheat
(Yeah but I guess death is better :P)
Mental Breakdown: Banjo fight “Deliverance”- Grant Lee Buffalo
(Anyone care for a canoe ride):
Driving: Short Skirt Long Jacket- Cake
(Driving to go find me a hooker I guess)
Flashback: 1642 imprisonment- King Diamond
(That reincarnation thingie sucks)
Getting Back Together: Black Horse and the Cherry Tree KT Tunstall
Birth of Child: Hopeless KT Tunstall
(You poor poor baby)
Wedding: Back to the Primitive - Soulfly
Get ready for the ride of your life baby tonight I'm a caveman!)
Final Battle: White Rabbit: Patti Smith
(Here lies Ozan the lean mean killing machine who got his ass kicked by a fuckin rabbit)
Death Scene: Drunken Wisdom- Overkill
Funeral Song: All I Wanna Do is Make Love to You- Red Elvises
(Stay the fuck away from my grave you disgusting necrophiliacs)
End Credits: LL Cool J-Mama said Knock You Out
(momma lied)
GW Shark "My Photographer" Bold
- 16 years, 1 month, 24 days ago