Do you wish on stars? i cant say that i have
What was the last thing you ate? a hot pocket
Have you ever dyed your hair? i dyed it consistently for years to hide the gray, but i stopped recently.
What are you listening to right now? blind melon
Do you wear contacts or glasses? nope
Who do you live with? my 3 kids
When was the last time you cried? really i dont rememeber
Friend you have had the longest? Samuel J Cook
Number of keys on your key ring? my personal key ring - 1, my work key ring - 11
How many years at your current job? 4 years
What was the last trip you took? went to mesquite, nevada last summer
Who did you want to be when you were young? an archaeologist
What kind of shoes are you wearing right now? heelys, yes those are the ones that kids wear with wheels in the heels. i may grow up someday, but not soon
Is your second toe longer than your first? nope
Last time you had someone cook for you? its been so long i cant remember
Last time you received flowers? never actually, but im a guy so its ok
Do you think the sanctity of marriage is meant for only a man & woman? no.
Do you take anything in your coffee? i dont like coffee
Are you an aunt or uncle? nope
When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart? Yes
In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener? depends on how many beers i have had
Do you like horse-riding? i have never been
Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you? depends on how they act about them
What color are your eyes? hazel?
When was the last time you were in an olive grove? never
geoffinitely Daring
- 16 years, 21 days ago