Is there such a thing as real love anymore? You know, real? As in not waiting for something better to come while stringing along another's heart and hopes until you decide you want the other?
This is not about me, but in a way, all of us. I see this happening all too often.
And I do believe that the internet and all the fake c*nts on here has a lot to do with breaking up REAL relationships in the hope of some bollocks that some fool believes in.
Please people, get a brain, get a life and stop believing the grass is always greener when in all cases (except for the rare one) it is either the same, not or worse.
If you find someone and you are happy, stay there and consider yourself lucky you met someone when there are many lonely people out there. Don't run off like some twat because another starts giving you attention and insinuated promises of better sex, love, or whatever it is you think they can give you.
And do not forget that there may be a dear price to pay for playing such dangerous games with other's feelings. At the least of it, you will probably end up ALONE.
Faticeira "Kitty's Kitteh" Tired
- 16 years, 17 days ago