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Emily P-B
Emily P-B

Emily P-B, 41/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:3:18 PM
Join date:17 years, 2 months, 1 day ago
Location: Fayetteville, AR United States

"Hmmm light angel or dark angel today?"
About me:
I consider myself a very laid back person. You can ask me most anything about myself and I'll answer maybe :). I'm in the process of getting my bachelors in Psych and Anthro, one yr left woohooo. I like hanging out with people most of the time (when I can find the time -shrugs-). If you are really interested in me then talk to me. :p FAIR WARNING: I am playful and affectionate and very up-front at times , if any of those qualities bother you, you might want to leave me be.
About you:
You are someone who is curious by nature and loves to feel the rain on your bare skin. You feel most comfortable by the sea in the moonlight (ohhh wait that's me oooops).... No seriously I like to get to know people so tell me about you, I'm told I'm a good listener. :) Oh and people who are truly affectionate, without motives behind it, are always very welcome to engage me. :) ................................. But seduction isn’t making someone do what they don’t want to do. Seduction is enticing someone into doing what they secretly want to do already. -Anonymous
Looking for: Friendship and dating
Orientation: Bi
Herds (lead): Gregg House mob
Herds: Intellectual Experimentalists, The Arkansas Gay Herd!, I could be a Pansexual!, Rant your fuckin arse off, ME!!!

50 pts

"Funny Bunny"
50 pts

"Red Princess"
50 pts

50 pts

"In Transit"
50 pts
Emily's tales
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Emily P-B
To Every Guy:

To every guy that's said, "You're beautiful.

To every guy that was never too busy to drive across town to see her.

To every guy that gives her flowers and a card when she is sick or down.

To every guy who has given her flowers just because thats how he rolls.

To every guy that said he would die for her.

To every guy that really would.

To every guy that did what she wanted to do.

To every guy that cried in front of her.

To every guy that she cried in front of.

To every guy that holds hands with her.

To every guy that kisses her with meaning.

To every guy that hugs her when she's sad.

To every guy that hugs her for no reason at all.

To every guy who would give their jacket up for her.

To every guy that calls to make sure she got home safe.

To every guy that would sit and wait for her for hours just to see her for ten minutes.

To every guy that would give his seat up.

To every guy that just wants to cuddle.

To every guy that reassured her that she is beautiful no matter what.

To every guy who told his secrets to her.

To every guy that tried to show how much he cared through every word and every breath.

To every guy that thought maybe this could be the one.

To every guy that believed in her dreams.

To every guy that would have done anything so she could achieve them.

To every guy that never laughed at her when she told him her dreams.

To every guy that walked her to her car and opened the door.

To every guy that gave his heart.

To every guy who prays that she is happy even if you are not with her.

...This one bulletin is for you...
Not many girls appreciate nice guys anymore.

And because of this, there are not many left out there.

I guarantee 90% of the men on your page will not repost this because they care more about their image.

If you are a nice guy repost this with: "Nice guys STILL finish last.
If you are a girl that thinks every guy should treat a girl this way
repost this with: "To Every Guy.
Emily P-B Sad - 16 years, 4 months, 10 days ago
Emily P-B

Emily P-B Sad - 16 years, 4 months, 22 days ago
Emily P-B
Okay want to know how truly odd and silly I can be check this out:
Last spring things in my world were nuts and after not getting to talk to my bff for awhile, I sent her this message (names have been changed to protect the not so innocent)

The damn gnomes have emmy-knapped me and are holding me hostage in paper land. Papers papers papers ahhhhhhhhh!! There is no escape!! I love you and miss you!! To say things have been crazy here is an understatement. Cousin A, who is pregnant again (yes that is the sound of me screaming) , was in and is now gone. Uncle D got in a car wreck, physically he is fine his car is defiantly not fine. Uncle N is drinking again surprise surprise!! And the papers, reading and writing, doom doom DOOOOOOOOOM! Ahhh well I hope everything there is fabulous. I have two tests this week and Pam is getting in on Thursday for the weekend (note to self running naked down the street while pulling out my hair is not an option). Ohhhh pancakes I will be talking to you soon by god. Okay love you and take care till I talk to you.
Much love

She sent this message back and had me smiling and laughing for hrs :)

M (my bff) and X(her husband) have released their first statement to the local press: "Yes, we decided since they've, the gnomes, been responsible for the emmy-napping...they must be bombed." The gnomes must die and will be taken out by explosives being carried on the backs of mice, who will run into their huts and exterminate the filthy creatures. The mice know, in the event of finding emmy, to carry her to the safety of the gregg house kitchen prior to completing their mission. Only mice (and gnomes) will be harmed in this mission. We send love and wishes of good luck to emmy in her time in captivity. To the gnomes we say, prepare to meet your DOOOOOM!

I love my bff and yes we are nuts LOL
Emily P-B Sad - 16 years, 4 months, 23 days ago
Emily P-B
I think everyone feels this from time to time.... and I have yet to find a song that so expresses how messed up the inside of a depressed person's mind can truly be.... and how amazing it can be to have that one person reach out and catch you when you are in the darkest depths of it all

Savage Garden Crash and Burn

When you feel all alone/And the world has turned its back on you/Give me a moment please to tame your wild wild heart/I know you feel like the walls are closing in on you/ It's hard to find relief and people can be so cold/ When darkness is upon your door and you feel like you can't take anymore

Let me be the one you call/ If you jump I'll break your fall/ Lift you up and fly away with you into the night/ If you need to fall apart/ I can mend a broken heart/ If you need to crash then crash and burn/ You're not alone

When you feel all alone/ And a loyal friend is hard to find/ You're caught on a one way street/ With the monsters in your head/ When hopes and dreams are far away/ And you feel like you can't face the day

Let me be the one you call/ If you jump I'll break your fall/ Lift you up and fly away with you into the night/ If you need to fall apart/ I can mend a broken heart/ If you need to crash then crash and burn/ You're not alone

Because there has always been hearache and pain/ And when its over you'll breath again/ You'll breathe again

When you feel all alone/And the world has turned its back on you/Give me a moment please to tame your wild wild heart

Let me be the one you call/ If you jump I'll break your fall/ Lift you up and fly away with you into the night/ If you need to fall apart/ I can mend a broken heart/ If you need to crash then crash and burn/ You're not alone

Emily P-B Sad - 16 years, 4 months, 29 days ago
Emily P-B
If I were April's lady,
And you were lord in May,

If I were queen of pleasure,
And you were king of pain,
We'd hunt down love together,

Pluck out his flying feather,
And teach his feet a measure,
and find his mouth a rein.
Emily P-B Sad - 16 years, 5 months ago
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You have been given Merry Christmas.
Crafted by _T_
Trevis "Proud parent" Tired - 16 years, 2 months, 17 days ago
hey not seen you for a bit :(
You have been given peek-a-boo.
Crafted by Ginger Zheng
Rob "My SunShine" - 16 years, 3 months, 6 days ago
ya i gave you a goodnight kiss! breath
John "My ☆ BigBear" Calm - 16 years, 3 months, 14 days ago

You have been given that's my good girl.
Crafted by Leannan Rose
John "My ☆ BigBear" Calm - 16 years, 3 months, 14 days ago

You have been given ~ good night babe ~.
Crafted by Bina
John "My ☆ BigBear" Calm - 16 years, 3 months, 14 days ago
just dropping by to say Hi!! XOXO
You have been given Good-Night & Sweet Dreams.
Crafted by JerzzyBella
Amy "Lori's girl " Festive - 16 years, 3 months, 17 days ago
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Emily's shop
Little shop of .....

Whatever I feel like offering damn it. :P

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Wrong but true lol
1 use

200 pts
Wrong but true lol
Bought by 9 people
Nice Try
1 use

250 pts
Nice Try
Bought by 5 people
Ahhh silence :)
1 use

200 pts
Ahhh silence :)
Bought by 14 people
Go for it...
1 use

250 pts
Go for it...
Bought by 7 people
Good job
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250 pts
Good job
Bought by 9 people
Good point :)
1 use

200 pts
Good point :)
Bought by 8 people
It's true :)
1 use

200 pts
It's true :)
Bought by 9 people
Death by chocolate
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200 pts
Death by chocolate
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Well they do lol
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200 pts
Well they do lol
Bought by 14 people
New religion ;)
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200 pts
New religion ;)
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Do you have one???
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200 pts
Do you have one???
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You say....
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200 pts
You say....
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Stupid Boys
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250 pts
Stupid Boys
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Women do it better
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200 pts
Women do it better
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Focus on what is important here
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200 pts
Focus on what is important here
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