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DJ Ronika | - Free online hangout and friends
DJ's tales
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DJ Ronika
Perv's are rid of, can I enjoy my hp life again?
DJ Ronika "sheckshy ;op" Peaceful - 15 years, 6 months, 27 days ago
DJ Ronika
Im trying to get on, but my life is soo feckin hectic at mo, dont even have time to think, had soo many class assembelys this week, and last week had all my family staying with me, cant wit till next week, hopefully it will all be back to normal and ill be as addicted to hp as I was 3 weeks ago lols, much much love to my owner sta...bitchassss *kisses* and dick, aww hes adorable, dick if i dont txt bk I apologise and also to my other pets who never speak anyway ill be back soooon...much love peeps...over and out...mwah xxxxx P.S If im needed that much which is most unlikely then you can add me to fb....Edith V Atkinson.....state HP or you will be DENIED :o lols
DJ Ronika "sheckshy ;op" Peaceful - 15 years, 7 months, 25 days ago
DJ Ronika
My nephew singing and obv playing the guitar

DJ Ronika "sheckshy ;op" Peaceful - 15 years, 7 months, 25 days ago
DJ Ronika
Been a hectic week this week, glad its over...phew....had family up this week from hull, scotland and london, sooo busy but so nice to have them here, really had a blast wooo woooo, oh and days I cant remember, none of us can we were that drunk, ill get pics up soo once ive added them to the pc....who missed me then x
DJ Ronika "sheckshy ;op" Peaceful - 15 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
DJ Ronika
This is my son, jumping off our shed onto the trampoline, I think it looks mint, hes a floater woo haha

We decided to have a massive walk the other day, cant beleive I only took one pic :(

DJ Ronika "sheckshy ;op" Peaceful - 15 years, 8 months, 4 days ago
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+a jar of joy & laughter You have been given +a jar of joy & laughter.
Crafted by Immortalis
wolfwithin "Wolf Within" ~Dented & Kinked~ - 8 years, 8 months, 15 days ago
Zachary Johnson
Bring back RAWR!
Zachary Johnson "Zaclicalicious" Thirsty - 14 years, 5 months, 16 days ago
Somewhere in between

just passin through!! ♥ You have been given just passin through!! ♥.
Crafted by cathy kose
Somewhere in between "Indian Magicman" - 15 years, 3 months, 29 days ago
Janet Davies
hi! nice shop!!
You're a true beauty You have been given You're a true beauty.
Crafted by DJ Ronika
Janet Davies "♥mY lOvE" Hopeless - 15 years, 4 months, 8 days ago
you have use for these...;-p
Band Aid You have been given Band Aid.
Crafted by Nikki Jay Woolley
swift Serene - 15 years, 5 months, 4 days ago
Rachael Humber
Hi, nice pics honey ;-) x
Rachael Humber "4 sale" Feisty - 15 years, 5 months, 15 days ago
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DJ's shop
Bits and Bobs

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1 use

150 pts
Bought by 63 people
Love from me to you
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150 pts
Love from me to you
Bought by 50 people
Hey cutie
1 use

150 pts
Hey cutie
Bought by 122 people
Morning Babe
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150 pts
Morning Babe
Bought by 59 people
1 use

150 pts
Bought by 51 people
However far away
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150 pts
However far away
Bought by 38 people
You brighten my day
1 use

150 pts
You brighten my day
Bought by 48 people
I miss you =(
1 use

150 pts
I miss you =(
Bought by 23 people
Baby you...
1 use

150 pts
Baby you...
Bought by 48 people
I long for your touch
1 use

150 pts
I long for your touch
Bought by 68 people
Smile =)
1 use

150 pts
Smile =)
Bought by 46 people
Nom Nom Nom
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150 pts
Nom Nom Nom
Bought by 48 people
Hi there =)
1 use

150 pts
Hi there =)
Bought by 44 people
You're a true beauty
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150 pts
You're a true beauty
Bought by 54 people
I love you
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150 pts
I love you
Bought by 34 people
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