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Michelle Kyle | - Free online hangout and friends
Michelle Kyle
Michelle Kyle owns this human at 8000 points.

Michelle Kyle
Michelle Kyle

Michelle Kyle, 48/Female
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:4:22 PM
Join date:16 years, 10 months, 1 day ago
Location: Sault Canada

"Dragoness ~Miche~"
About me:
I am here to make friends, and meet up with old friends. Just a fun place to play, and frolick all around. To write and express some of my thoughts. Please be respectful, and kind. I would appreciate your request before you buy me, after all, Dragons are not just ANY pet... Lets all just get along and no one need be burnt to a crispy critter =) Hugs and Loves XOXOX
About you:
I miss but like my Ownie, please don't buy me without asking... I like fun, silly, wierd, entertaining peoples who like that life is fun and meant to be enjoyed. After all, no one gets out alive and ya just never know when that big Anvil in the sky will fall on your head. ( P.S. If anyone has a little cartoon umbrella, Lokking to buy one for Anvil safety) HAVE AN AWESOMELY AMAZING DAY!!!!
Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds: ~~CANADIAN HERD~~, The Dragon Clan
12156 pts
Michelle Kyle
Michelle Kyle
8000 pts
"My Soaring Eagle"
6150 pts

"Sammy Bear"
2000 pts

700 pts

50 pts

50 pts

50 pts
Michelle's tales
1 2 Next
Michelle Kyle
For the Ladies ~ What do you find sexy about a guy?? Post on my comments your answer, and be descriptive (but classy) and I'll post you a gift.
Michelle Kyle "Michelle" Naughty... - 13 years, 7 months, 12 days ago
Michelle Kyle
For the Guys ~ What is YOUR best pick up line?? In my comments, and be creative... With send you a gift for your comments. And, maybe I might let you be my owner.. Maybe ;)
Michelle Kyle "Michelle" Naughty... - 13 years, 7 months, 12 days ago
Michelle Kyle
Cleaning up my page, and going to update my store. But, it's late, so off to bed. Oh, and what are you up to?? Send me a hi, don't be shy... I promise to not singe you, if your nice and pet me too =)
Michelle Kyle "Michelle" Naughty... - 13 years, 7 months, 12 days ago
Michelle Kyle
I AM::::::::::
Eastern ~ Born in the year of the Fire Dragon
Western ~ Sun sign ~ Virgo
~ Moon sign~ Taurus
~ rising is unknown

Numerology ~ 36/9 3 = Expression and sensitivity
6 = Vision and Acceptance
9 = Integrity and Wisdom
and a few others, I'll add as I find them again.
Michelle Kyle
Michelle Kyle "Michelle" Naughty... - 16 years, 8 months, 16 days ago
Michelle Kyle
WOW, "Fun in recovery" I heard that saying for a long time, but I never quite got it. After this last weekend, and some other times, I Get It!!! I have laughed, joked, smiled, and felt so free to be me with a group of people, some I know, and some are just randoms. Even in public, man, WOW what a feeling. I am having more fun and feel so alive, that I just can't help but smile for the gratitude I feel. Life is full of fun and random halarity. I just had to be open to experienceing it, and learn to just be myself. Anyone who doesn't like it, well, that is their prob. not mine. sending LOVES and HUGGGsss to all who are there. ~Dragoness~
Michelle Kyle "Michelle" Naughty... - 16 years, 8 months, 22 days ago
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grace andrew

by grace
Hello, how are you doing? i hope fine and all is good to you,am miss grace,Nice to meet u dear i want to be your friend , kindly indicate your interest in me by sending mail me here my private email ( ) so my photos will send you ok. Thanks and a nice day'''''(grace) ( )
grace andrew "BESTPET EVARR!!" - 10 years, 8 months, 12 days ago
Garry Galliah

My master is so good looking! You have been given My master is so good looking!.
Crafted by Nicole Jong
Garry Galliah Crazy - 12 years, 7 months, 3 days ago
Michelle Kyle
To ALL my visitors, Thanks for your loves, your thoughts, and your "likes" on my page =) feel free to leave a thought, some fun, some more fun, and join me for a Timmies...mmm Timmies.... So Hotttttt
A Double Double You have been given A Double Double.
Crafted by Toni the Tigress
Michelle Kyle "Michelle" Naughty... - 13 years, 7 months, 12 days ago
Hi you are my new pet.
Dirty Mind You have been given Dirty Mind .
Crafted by Antony
Sam Thirsty - 13 years, 7 months, 14 days ago
Michelle Kyle
... ,^~^ *sniffle
Miss my owner You have been given Miss my owner.
Crafted by Melanie
Michelle Kyle "Michelle" Naughty... - 13 years, 7 months, 15 days ago
Toni the Tigress
Hey, neat that you're in the Sault. My parents live in Wawa, so we often travel through... :D
Hello from me to you You have been given Hello from me to you.
Crafted by Michelle Kyle
Toni the Tigress Inspired - 13 years, 7 months, 17 days ago
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Michelle's shop
Dragonz Lair Treasures

An assorted array of treasures dragged from the deep places of my Lair, just for you, Something for everyone,l. You want something of value? Buy from a Dragoness.

Wolf Angel
1 use

170 pts
Wolf Angel
Bought by 10 people
Sexual Harrassment Notice
1 use

170 pts
Sexual Harrassment Notice
Bought by 28 people
An angel watching over you...
1 use

100 pts
An angel watching over you...
Bought by 17 people
~Soulmates~ Art by Michelle Kyle
1 use

5000 pts
~Soulmates~ Art by Michelle Kyle
Bought by 4 people
Hello from me to you
1 use

120 pts
Hello from me to you
Bought by 8 people
Wanna be my peanut?
1 use

140 pts
Wanna be my peanut?
Bought by 17 people
Let's run away together
1 use

180 pts
Let's run away together
Bought by 18 people
A salute from...
1 use

140 pts
A salute from...
Bought by 39 people
My heart will always be with you
1 use

200 pts
My heart will always be with you
Bought by 7 people
Let's dance the night away
1 use

160 pts
Let's dance the night away
Bought by 19 people
Gothic beauty...
1 use

160 pts
Gothic beauty...
Bought by 21 people
A pet froggy
1 use

140 pts
A pet froggy
Bought by 21 people
Sexy pirate smile
1 use

140 pts
Sexy pirate smile
Bought by 29 people
Dark Angel
1 use

140 pts
Dark Angel
Bought by 3 people

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