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Unknown | - Free online hangout and friends
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5100 pts
Unknown's tales

Unknown "Magpie-♥" Unstoppable - 16 years, 1 day ago

Unknown "Magpie-♥" Unstoppable - 16 years, 4 days ago

Unknown "Magpie-♥" Unstoppable - 16 years, 26 days ago

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Mrs Grimes
I cant believe this.....a have this bunny picture talking about underwear....what a freak!
Mrs Grimes "Golden Gloves" That's a nice Tnetennba!! - 15 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
Mrs Grimes
God give me fucking strength...i have some freaky weirdo asking me what i am wearing.arggghhhhhh.......My mate is coming round tonight for pizza i think i might take a break from hp for a day!
Mrs Grimes "Golden Gloves" That's a nice Tnetennba!! - 15 years, 11 months, 23 days ago
Mrs Grimes
How? status!!!!
It was high jinks!!!
I did allsorts...but had to apologise to Carl for blubbing in pizza hut.....and I drunk dialled James for an hour oops....that and errr smashing a glass......dancing and singing to time of my life and getting busted by my boxing buddy across the bar......It was fun but i am paying the price now!
Mrs Grimes "Golden Gloves" That's a nice Tnetennba!! - 15 years, 11 months, 24 days ago
Mrs Grimes
I have had to apologise to 2 people for my drunk behaviour yesterday!!!
Mrs Grimes "Golden Gloves" That's a nice Tnetennba!! - 15 years, 11 months, 24 days ago
Mrs Grimes

You have been given Sorry..I was very, very, drunk!.
Crafted by Emma
Mrs Grimes "Golden Gloves" That's a nice Tnetennba!! - 15 years, 11 months, 24 days ago
Mrs Grimes
Not good i feel like shit...tired and listless....having a lazy skivy day today....i deserve it yesterday was a little wild!!!
Mrs Grimes "Golden Gloves" That's a nice Tnetennba!! - 15 years, 11 months, 24 days ago
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