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Current mood: indescribable
Category: Romance and Relationships

I have never understood those girls. You know those girls... they've been around since grade school. The girls who have their first "relationship" in the 5th grade and immediately transform from being individual-minded people to being one-track couple-oriented psychos seemingly over night. From there, they somehow proceed to break up with one guy and then start dating a new guy all within the span of a week (sometimes even just a few days) for the rest of their lives. I never understood these girls. Sometimes I thought they just didn't have standards. I mean, from my perspective, if they can only go a week with being single before stumbling upon a new relationship, they can't possibly have put that much thought into it.

These girls eventually become women. These women will become women who always pursue relationships because they have some sort of emotional void in their life that must be filled by a man in order for them to feel validated or capable of fully functioning. Women like this cannot stand to be alone. So they aren't. Ever. These women will have relationship after relationship and they will probably end up getting back from each one of these relationships no more than the half-assed investment they put into it. These women also never seem to be fully satisfied with their relationships. They are constantly upset, disappointed, or on the brink of an emotional breakdown. It may have to do with the fact that dealing with break-up after break-up can becoming emotionally toiling or perhaps it could have something to do with the psychological abuse of the superficial relationships that they throw themselves into. Whatever it may be, these types of women are the ones who are deemed serial daters in their youth, and the ones who eventually go on to get married, divorced, and re-married. They will avoid being single. Maybe because they fear it. Maybe because they simply have forgotten how to be.

I could never EVER EVER be one of these women. I could never EVER EVER understand these women either. I am just on such an entirely different page from these women that it is hard for me to understand where they are coming from. I am and always have been a very independent person. I like men just as much as any other female my age, but I refuse to let something with testosterone, big biceps and a car consume or control my life.

Society sets up models for our lives that we blindly follow without realizing it. I always said I wanted to get married, have three kids, a nice big house, a couple dogs. The whole-nine-yards. Why? Was it because it is something I am looking forward to? Well, I thought so. But now that I have had time to really evaluate my future and think about it... I like being by myself more than I like being with someone else. This idea however is far outside the standards of social acceptance. Society stigmatizes people who do not follow the traditional get married have 2.5 kids and a house in the suburbs route. Most people never question their motivations for getting married. They simply feel like it is something they should do. It seems like the next necessary step in life that must be taken. Because of this, I can say that the majority of you out there either are married or want to get married/re-married. Some of you reading this are probably single and unhappy about it, or, some of you may be single but know in the back of your mind that marriage is eventually where you intend to end up.

So many people fear getting old without someone. So many people need companionship. People will tell me that I am overlooking that, but I am not. I just approach both of these things from a different perspective. I have great friends. I have a best friend who has been and will always be there for me through thick and thin. I know that if I ever need someone, even if I am not with her at the time, she is there mentally and emotionally for me. If I died tomorrow, she would be more devastated than any other person in the world... even my parents. Whenever I get lonely, if I need a companion or someone to comfort me she will be there. She has provided more emotional stability and companionship for me in my life than any man ever has.

Relationships are all about compromising. I can compromise on things that I do not really care about, but never on things that I do care about. That is a key aspect of my personality. Most things in life I don't really get worked up over and I will go along with whatever happens, but the things that really matter to me... well that is when you see a very different side of my personality. Those are the things that I concentrate my time, effort, and ambition on. I realize that in my case, getting married will most likely hinder my dreams and ambitions from ever happening unless I marry someone who decides he wants to devote his life to everything that I want to do. The likelihood of that happening? Slim. The likelihood of me being attracted to someone who was spineless, followed me around like a puppy, and had none of his own ambition? Impossible. There are a few things in life I want to do... I want to travel. I want to be able to get up and move whenever I want to. I don't want to have to sit still in one place. I want to be self-employed. I want to move to a foreign country for a year and do charity work on a whim. I want to be able to go where I want, do what I want, when I want. I realize that I sound stubborn because these are things that I can be stubborn about. This is MY only life and only MY life, so I have every right to be stubborn about how I live it.

It's not that I am ultimately ruling out getting married. If it happens, it happens. I know that I am young and it would be entirely foolish for me to say that my attitude will always be the same. But, I also do know that I am stubborn and very rarely do my priorities change. If I care about something, I pretty much always care about it and if I don't care about something, there is very little that can be done to make me cary about it. Because of this, it is not on my agenda to get married. I know that my top priority has and most likely will always be my ambitions and dreams AND I don't think it would be fair for me to marry someone and have a family if they were not my main priority. First and foremost, I want to do the things that I have always wanted to do and I want to accomplish the things I have always wanted to accomplish and, well, if marriage is going to get in the way of that then... Bye-Bye marriage, Hello life devoted to me!

I think as people get older they begin to look at being single as a negative thing. People dread becoming old without a companion. For those people all I will say is, you cannot plan your life around finding someone you want to get married to unless you are one of those people who settles for a crappy relationship over no relationship at all. Instead of thinking of a future that involves you as half of a pair, start thinking of a future that depends on no one but you, your dreams, and your hard work. Many married people have told me that being married is far from being the greatest thing in the world, high divorce rates only further confirm this. Instead of focusing on relationships and marriage, it might be surprisingly nice to try something else for a bit, like enjoying your freedom, traveling, embracing spontaneity, avoiding a boring day-to-day routine, and cherishing every single moment of your independence.
Danielle ".Flyer." Sparkling - 16 years, 5 months, 17 days ago
Category: News and Politics

Thank you people of America. Thank you very much. I am elated to stand before you tonight and accept your nomination to be the most powerful person in the world. You have humbled my over-inflated ego by presenting me with such a modest honor. The will of the people has spoken and I am that will. Again, I thank you. Thank you, thank you for your support. Without it, the will of the people could not be served.

Before I continue, I would like to express my deepest respect and adoration for my competitors. They fought long and hard, spent millions of dollars and countless hours campaigning, yet all of their efforts were entirely in vain. They were all bright and qualified candidates who I admire deeply, but ultimately they were defeated by the greater candidate--me. In the end I alone was the victor and now they must all express their utmost support for me so that the rest of you do not bitch about them being disloyal to our party! Thank you to all of them for running unsuccessful campaigns for, because of their incompetency, I am standing here before you, as the nominee of the least incompetent campaign and the ultimate victor of our party's nomination. Thank you, thank you.

I would also like to thank all those notable political figures that spoke at the convention this week before me. Their expression of support for everything that I do, even if they disagree with it deeply, is the true unity that ties this party together. They represent what is great about American politics--devoting undying loyalty to our party! Thank you, thank you to them.

You know, I would not be able to stand here before you if it wasn't for my family. Without them, I would be nothing. Just so you know, I love my husband. And my ten children. I love them so much that I promise that, if elected, I will not have any extramarital affairs or seduce young eager male interns to orally please my genitals. I am a candidate of family values. My family is my backbone. I love my handsome, hardworking husband who is a real American hero (he served in a technical operations office during the first AND second gulf wars) and family provider. I want to insure that the future is bright for my ten children who were all conceived because I was never taught what a condom was (and my husband refused to tell me) through my abstinence-only American high school sex education curriculum. Obviously, since I am a woman of traditional values it can only be assumed that I would of course disregard any laws about female pregnancy and health rights that were passed during or after the year 1973. But, regardless of that miniscule fact, God bless my wonderful family for all of their love and support! They mean everything to me.

In case you were unaware, I am the American dream standing right before you. I was born into wealth, my parents worked, but we always had money. I grew up in a nice, safe and sheltered neighborhood in the suburbs of a major city in Northern California. I attended the best private schools in my community, and went on to attend one of the best public schools this nation has to offer. Sure it was a struggle, having everything handed to me in life. It made me not appreciate what I have. My parents had to send me on a trip around the world so that I would have the luxury of appreciating everything that had been given to me. And, I assure you it worked. I came back from India and all those other third-world countries that aren't as great as America (aka the best damn country in the world) and I said to myself, "God Bless America! This is the best damn country in the world!" True story.

Who better to understand the American dream than me? Someone who has seen how crappy other nations have it because they lack that God-given freedom and opportunity that America insures its citizens always have? If you answered "No One" you are correct! I've seen other countries and I don't like them very much. I am a true patriot because I can recognize this... Amen to that!

But, hey, let's talk politics and current issues, since that's the real focus of my campaign, right? So I realize right now things kinda suck. We should all blame the guys in office right now. It's the damn President's fault that our country got this way! We all know the executive has complete power in this country and that checks and balances is a load of shit! I mean, why blame Congress for any of those legislative acts, its always the President's fault! ALWAYS. Let's face it... our current President sucks. Our economy sucks. Our energy policy sucks. Our foreign relations suck. Our job opportunities suck. Our school sucks. Our health care systems suck. But don't forget... despite the fact that everything in our country pretty much blows the big one right now... this is still the greatest country in the world! Amen to that!

You know what I am going to do? I am going to bring CHANGE! Lots and lots of change! I am going to give countless speeches over and over again about how this country currently sucks and needs change!! I will make promises to you guys about how I will change this country, yet those promises will be extremely vague. I will tell you I am going to make our school systems better, and our economy improve, but I will not elaborate how. I mean... honestly... ya'll are Americans and, unless we are discussing Britney Spear's personal life, a squirrel has a greater attention span than ya'll. So forget any detailed plans or explanations... I ain't going to give them to you. Instead I am going to stand here and reiterate the same bullshit that my opponent says so that when you hear both of our speeches side by side you will say to yourself "WTF is this shit?! Is the economy so bad that they had to hire the SAME speech writer?!"

Speaking of my opponent, I admire him greatly for whatever ground-breaking thing he did... I can't quite remember if what he did was ground-breaking because he was captured in war or because he has more melanin in his skin than your average piece of white trash, but, needless to say, I admire him for whatever great quality he has. But, with that said, he is a lying scumbag and I intend to spend the rest of my campaign doing everything and anything I can to ruin his image and reputation. The dude makes false promises. He is bad for America. He is not the change we need. I am the change we need. His policies suck. He sucks. He is a pussy, not a patriot. He has the hick-mentality yet he is also an elitist with too many houses. He is bad for America. He doesn't have enough experience. He is more of the same bullshit we have already put up with! We need change! A revolution! I am that revolution! But, hey, don't forget... this campaign isn't about me... it's about you... the American people! The greatest people in the entire world!

At this point, I would typically go into a 10 minute spiel about how I am the ideal candidate for you and about how I can identify with you way better than that asshole running on the other party's ticket, but I decided to cut matters short since I have a 8 pm tennis match at my country club that I don't want to miss. To sum things up, I'd like to say what I've said countless times before... I am the candidate for you because I understand you the people. My opponent does not. I am on your side---the side of the good. He is on the side of evil. Don't vote for him.

But, before you get too excited, let me remind you that even though the whole structure of my campaign is to ruin my opponent's image and divide the country into red and blue states, I assure you that we are all one people living under the same constitution! We may not agree with how those supposedly free-of-political-motivation Supreme Court justices interpret the constitution, but once I get into office I promise to hire a hit man to kill off the members of the Supreme Court I don't agree with so that I can appoint new ones and insure that all of our constitutionally protected liberties and freedoms remain intact. Now that is the will of the people that I promise you I will insure!

If I wante
Danielle ".Flyer." Sparkling - 16 years, 5 months, 17 days ago
Sometimes I get extremely overwhelmed and depressed. Very depressed. When most people first learn this about me they are shocked. I laugh at everything and am always smiling, how can I have a single depressed bone in my body?! Well it might be shocking but it's true. Today has been one of those days where I just felt like shit about life and everything around me. I tried to pinpoint what brought this on. I wanted to feel better, so I bought new running shoes and went running, hoping the endorphin release and purchase would make me happy. It didn't.

I don't really know how to explain it other than to say that I feel empty. What in my life do I have that is substantial? I have everything I could ever ask for, you might say. I have been given opportunities that most people never have the ability to even dream. Why should I get depressed? I have a lot of things going for me. From an outside perspective, it probably just seems like I am spoiled rich girl complaining about her comfortable life and that I should just get over it.

I know material things cannot make me happy. But family and friendship and substantial things also are not making me happy either. What gives? Everything about the reality of this world disheartens me.

You know what is disheartening to me... you guys. All of you... not just here on myspace... but everywhere. People are so inherently selfish. We say, so what it is a part of human nature... Yah, okay, but what about compassion? Is that NOT a part of human nature either? Looking over my blogs in the past few months has made me lose faith in human nature. How quickly we attack and insult those who disagree with us. How often we try to make others feel like shit about themselves to boost our own egos. It is ridiculous. What the hell is wrong with us?! WHY THE FUCK do we treat each other like this?!

We divide the world into us vs. them. We separate ourselves into groups. We define ourselves and try to find identities that make us unique. But in doing so, we forget that at the end of the day we are all human beings who experience the same sentiments and sufferings. At times it can be so easy to dehumanize those who are different than ourselves and forget the empathy that unites all of us--whether we be blacks, whites, homosexuals, heterosexuals, muslims, christians, iraqis, americans, communists, capitalists, democrats, republicans. While all of these things are identities that we may adopt in life, they are also things that separate us and make us different. Diversity should not be a bad thing, but we as humans make it one since we are intolerant of those who do not think the way we do or do not embrace the same values and lifestyles as we do.

I hate how every time someone is idealistic or puts a good cause before themselves, they are viewed as being out of touch with reality or impractical. How many times have I had older "wiser" people try to BEAT my idealism out of me and have me "face" reality? What the fuck type of attitude is that?! I am sick of people in this world saying that things are just the way they are and we can't do anything about it. That to be idealistic is to be impractical. Why can't someone balance reason with idealism, they are not mutually exclusive values.

All I can really say is that right now I feel like a part of my life is missing, that a part of it needs to be filled. Often, when someone says such things, people will respond with "Find God." That is an issue I don't want to fully delve into but I will say that is not the sense of purpose or fulfillment I am seeking. Even if my belief in a God and/or afterlife was stronger and more refined, it would not change my attitude towards life or the extremely depressing observations I have made about human beings. I remember reading some controversial letters that Mother Teresa wrote to a friend of hers during the height of her ministry, expressing the emptiness she felt... She said "Jesus has a very special love for you. As for me, the silence and the emptiness is so great that I look and do not see, listen and do not hear." Hearing such words from a woman who was so invested in God, who I myself idolize for her compassion and persistence, made me think twice. I can understand the sort of emptiness that Mother Teresa must have felt. How difficult it must have been for her to get up everyday and work in hopes of finding fulfillment with such a deep and overwhelming feeling of emptiness.

I don't think one has to go to the slums of Calcutta to see humanity in its most dire state and human nature at its worst, all you have to do is look around you and observe the selfishness, deception and greed that drives all of us. The more I learn about the world around me and the more I observe of human nature, the more I become disheartened with the world that I live in.
Danielle ".Flyer." Sparkling - 16 years, 5 months, 17 days ago
I enjoy conversing with people that have different perspectives, ideologies, and backgrounds because I believe that I can learn the most from those who differ from myself. I find political and social issues very intriguing. I like to debate, discuss, explore and theorize about politics. I equally enjoy analyzing philosophy and the social aspects of religious thought. I believe that people of all faiths should be able to coexist and it troubles me that in this day and age, institutions and extremists often pervert the positive intentions and aspects of religious philosophy. I think that many of the world's problems would be solved if people were accepting (or at least tolerant) of differences, whether they be cultural differences, religious differences, economic differences, racial differences, social differences, or political differences. I am an optimistic person who believes whole-heartedly in the principles of justice and liberty. I believe in a justice that extends to all people, not just Americans or Westerners, but people from all backgrounds, cultures, and communities. At heart I may be idealistic, but realistically I embrace a brand of political and social thought that can be classified as "liberal but reasonable."
Danielle ".Flyer." Sparkling - 16 years, 7 months, 27 days ago
Are you fucking serious, Obama?!

I am so pissed right now. I am sorry that the title of my blog is probably not in the best taste but I am mad. It's funny that I have had so many people tell me that I blindly follow Obama and that I am a sheep who jumped on the bandwagon. That is simply not the case. I most closely identify with the democratic party, especially on social issues. When it comes to the economy, however, I will admit that I do not believe the democratic party has the best strategy or ideas to properly handle fiscal issues. While all of this is slightly relevant, it is not the point of this blog.

The point of this blog is to criticize Obama for switching his stance on the FISA bill.

(If you would like to read about it, here are some links. If you want to read other sources, simply go to Google News and type in "Obama FISA" and I am sure you will find a lot of articles and opinions.)



Essentially I am pissed because the bill, which passed through the senate 69-28, gives the government the ability to wiretap citizen's phones WITHOUT a warrant. Has anyone ever heard of the 4th fucking amendment here? Or what about that constitutionally implied "right to privacy"? Don't you think tapping our phone lines somewhat falls into our realm of privacy? Did we forget about those things? What THE FUCK is happening to my country?

I've heard the argument "well if you don't have anything to hide than you shouldn't be afraid." That's nice, but the spirit of this country is based upon the freedom of the individual. The right to be innocent until proven guilty. The ability to have a private social life that is not infiltrated by the government. I can't speak for the founding fathers on this issue, but for some reason I think it's pretty safe to say that Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, would turn over in his grave if he knew about this bill. This is a matter of principle, of the rights that this country is based on. We've all heard the slippery slope argument before, first the Patriot Act, now this. What's next? It's scary that our rights are slowly dwindling away and that no one is standing up to protect them. What scares me most is that 69 of our senators, the people who represent us, voted for this bill. And that our presidential candidates support this bill. One of these men will someday be president. All I can count on now is the Supreme Court to overturn this bullshit. It is cases like these that make me want to become a lawyer or a judge. As of now, I've lost all my faith in the executive branch, and I have very little faith left in the legislative branch. The only branch of government that I feel I can depend on to uphold the principals of this country is the Judicial Branch. Even then, my biggest fear is that one day that will no longer be the case.

Wiretapping and the actual content of the bill aside, what pisses me off most is that Obama changed his stance on this policy. He was so avidly against it before and now, in the light of becoming the presidential nominee for the democratic party, he changes his stance to appear more "middle-of-the-road". I can only think that his advisors told him that in order to get elected he needed to appear to be tough on terror, and that through voting for this FISA bill, he would create a tougher image on terror. Frankly, as an Obama supporter, I think the fact that he voted for this bill makes him look like a manipulated fool who does not stick to his principal. Even if you agree with this FISA bill and think it is necessary, the fact that Obama, who was so adamantaly against the FISA bill in the past, voted in favor of it so he would appear more electable makes me pissed off.

If this is Obama's strategy then I don't support it. I can't speak for other Americans, but I believe it is pretty unlikely that a conservative or a moderate is now going to vote for Obama because he voted for this FISA bill. If anything, I think the fact that he switched his position and voted for this bill makes him appear weak, and not a man of principal. I don't know who Obama's campaign strategist is but I think it's time someone fires him and that Obama starts rethinking exactly why (or at least why he said) he ran for president in the first place.

At the end of the day, all I can say is that I am disappointed--DEEPLY disappointed--in Obama right now. How can he claim to be immune to the corruption of Washington's inner-politics and lobbyist when he does things like this?

I am disgusted.
Danielle ".Flyer." Sparkling - 16 years, 7 months, 28 days ago
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Will "My Adventure " Wild - 15 years, 2 months, 11 days ago
His Holiness the Loli Drama
Oh my god!

You signed on?!?

And you're a brunette now... I can't decide which I like better, although I am a bit partial to blonds. I'm doing my finals and just took a nap and I had a dream about securing a really creepy nuclear facility.
His Holiness the Loli Drama "🌱" Saturn Ascendant - 15 years, 2 months, 22 days ago

A Date With Me :) You have been given A Date With Me :).
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goodbye "My Victor" Adventurous - 15 years, 10 months, 20 days ago
Amanda Stevens
LOL:) Cheers girl..wicked kewl profile. x.

towels are evil... You have been given towels are evil....
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Amanda Stevens "~Minx~" Ferocious - 16 years ago
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