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Marguerite owns this human at 50 points.

Calm & confident

Carl ROk
"The Silver Fox"

Carl ROk, 74/Male
Last login: over 3 weeks ago
Local time:8:04 PM
Join date:17 years, 15 days ago
Location: Oklahoma City United States

About me:
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I AM NOT FOR SALE>>>Optimistic people who enjoying making friendships with new people, but I love my owner, so don't buy me on HP, thanks!!!!!!!!!!!

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Looking for: Friendship
Orientation: Straight
Herds: VIP - Very Important Pets, jack's little corner, Seek And Ye Shall Find - Al, What the Feck, Tracys Thumbing Palace, Fairyland Place to Thumb
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"Monsters Mommy"
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Carl ROk

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Carl ROk
Carl ROk "The Silver Fox" Calm & confident - 16 years, 3 months, 18 days ago
Carl ROk
MARTIN GUITARS - updated 2/09/09
I keep finding new Martin clips...All of the clips here have one thing in common...they feature MARTIN've heard them all of your life, even if you don't know it...and probably just take their beauty for granted...well, STOP for a moment to appreciate these works of art and appreciate the beauty of the music and the artisans who make these instruments by hand and be thankful, like I am, for the beauty they have added to the world...Other artists like Gordon Lightfoot, Bob Dylan, Gene Autry, Joni Mitchell, C,S & N, Kingston Trio, Dwight Yoakam loads of others play them too...Here are some songs that feature Martins, some just the opening, some throughout...please listen and enjoy! You will have to press the STOP button on my playlist below first...

Simon and Garfunkel, most of their songs Paul is playing a Martin, as he does here

Marty Robbins always played this little Martin 5-18, no longer made. My newest guitar is a Martin LX-1, same size.

Eric Clapton playing his Martin

Joni Mitchell, D-28, the D stands for Dreadnought, the body style

Two Martin's, timelessly beautiful, Jim Croce, "Operator"

GL, Canadian treasure usually played a D-18, but,see all the inlay, this is a fancier D-42...

Lots more, just a sample
Carl ROk "The Silver Fox" Calm & confident - 16 years, 4 months, 9 days ago

Carl ROk
Favorite Movie lines... I have a lot of them!
One of my very favorite movies is "Harvey", released the year I was born, starring Jimmy Stewart as Elwood P. Dowd. Harvey is a pooka (Púca), an old Irish faery creature, who appears...well, you really should see the movie if you haven't, and you can look up Púca on wikipedia ...that's all beside the point of this brief tale...

Here are some words that can make your life easier if you give it a shot...As I've gotten older I'm better at thinking this way...and when I forget I usually end up doing something I regret...enough prologue, here is Jimmy Stewart in "Harvey" -

Years ago my mother used to say to me, she'd say, "In this world, Elwood, you must be" - she always called me Elwood - "In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. You may quote me.

Carl ROk "The Silver Fox" Calm & confident - 16 years, 4 months, 14 days ago

Carl ROk

I know I can only control what I myself do, I can't control what anyone else does. And I CAN control my own feelings... Knowing that, I realize that other people can't make me happy or sad, no matter what they do...being happy or sad is a choice I make. Being happy or gloomy or angry or hostile, depressed or joyful, all of those attitudes are within MY power to control. I CHOOSE to be happy, life is too short for anything else.

I choose NOT to worry about the past too much or fret about the future...the past is unreachable, 5 minutes ago is as unreachable as 5 years ago...I CAN"T go back. And as for the future...I can't control it either...worrying about only makes me age faster and won't change anything.

"I believe that God is over all things and that He (or She or Providence or whatever) is over all things and He will put me where he wants me and where I ought to be."- Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain hit the nail on the head.

I know that everyone is human and makes mistakes, and they can't go back and fix them. So I forgive myself and I forgive others, knowing that the past can't be changed.
But I won't forgive malicious deeds done without repentance, and I won't forgive cruelty to animals or defenseless people...

I KNOW that I will die someday and I BELIEVE (hope) that I'll get to see the ones I love who have left this world before me when I get to the other side.
I believe today will be a good day because I CHOOSE to make it a good day, and That I can make tomorrow a good day too if I use my time wisely today.

Carl ROk "The Silver Fox" Calm & confident - 16 years, 5 months, 12 days ago
Carl ROk
This is one of my favorite movie scenes...Can you feel the chemistry?...

About Me
I have lived in Dallas and Philadelphia and Newport Rhode Island and Amarillo and Vancouver USA which is NOT next to Vancouver BC but in Washington state, across the Columbia River from Portland Oregon. But I was born and raised in Oklahoma City and Oklahoma, where the wind really does come sweeping down the plains, the air smells sweet from waving wheat after the rain and hawks make lazy circles in the sky, is where I choose to live.

I have been to every state in the US except Maine and have visited places like Sulligent Alabama, Butte Montana, Mt Vernon IL, Dodge City, Huntington Beach CA, Coos Bay OR, Stillwater NY, Washington DC and Destin FL.

I have also spent some time in Canada, more in the West than the East, but I have been to Sudbury and Sault Ste Marie as well as Kamloops, Vernon, Kelowna and Duncan in British Columbia, also Calgary and Winnipeg.

And when I was 18 I went to Italy for 3 weeks and saw Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome, Capri, Pompeii, Paestum and lovely little Cremona...never heard of Cremona? Watch "The Red Violin"...(i love movies)

The most beautiful places I have seen? The Columbia Gorge, gardens and rainbows in Oahu, Lake Okanagan, Niagara Falls, the Statue of Liberty, Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons, the Little Bighorn, the Washington Monument at night from my hotel window, herds of bison near Mt Scott in Oklahoma. Yes, Oklahoma has some beautiful sights, ...from sand dunes to bayous...the sky can be glorious and frightening...theTalimena Drive especially in the autumn, Turner Falls, the Illinois River, the red mesas of the Gloss Mountains, or Martin Nature Park right here in OKC where you can see giant catfish in the clear streams, so many turtles!, a coyote or and armadillo and the birds and prairie dogs...can you tell I like it here? But I want to go everywhere...

Where would I go if I could leave tomorrow? Ireland, of course, and Iceland...Tahiti and Antarctica...I would HAVE TO go to Rome again (my Italian is much better now)...Japan and Australia...and I would go anywhere and enjoy anyplace as long as I was with someone who loves me as much as I love her...'

More to follow

What's in the pics? Martin Park inside OKC, Rome (I took this pic myself, kinda like it), the Glass Mountains of Oklahoma, me in my office, MT St Helens in the middle distance from my house in Vancouver, my kids at the Art Inst of Chicago in front of Lautrec, VanGogh and Monet, my house, where I got my Master's Degree-the Univ of Oklahoma, and, just added, OKC's new skyline, coming 2012, a new skyscraper, me and my kids in 2004, to my left in my office with my laptop and some of my stuff, flowers from my garden in the spring, looking out my front door last autumn, me and my car last winter but it really doesn't snow much here...
Carl ROk Carl ROk Carl ROk Carl ROk Carl ROk Carl ROk Carl ROk Carl ROk Carl ROk Carl ROk Carl ROk Carl ROk Carl ROk Carl ROk
Carl ROk "The Silver Fox" Calm & confident - 16 years, 6 months, 19 days ago

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Marguerite "Irish Princess" Sparkling - 14 years, 3 months, 4 days ago

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Marguerite "Irish Princess" Sparkling - 14 years, 3 months, 4 days ago
Marguerite "Irish Princess" Sparkling - 14 years, 3 months, 4 days ago

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Marguerite "Irish Princess" Sparkling - 14 years, 3 months, 4 days ago
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Carl's shop
C Rose Rock Shop

Rose rocks can only be found in Oklahoma. You'll find some here and lots more things I hope u like! Items for grownups only on Page 2!

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